Fiscal Year 2025: October 1, 2024– September 30, 2025

Welcome to the official website for the Timber Creek Community Development District (CDD).  This site is funded on behalf of the Community Development District in an effort to help educate the general public about the services provided by the District and to highlight the other agencies involved in the day-to-day  Operations of the community. These agencies include, but are not limited to Hillsborough County and the Timber Creek HOA.

Timber Creek CDD Amenity-Recreational Rules and Policies

Timber Creek Goals and Objectives

Timber Creek CDD Vicinity Map

Ordinance 18-9

Timber Creek Notice of Establishment

A Message from the District

Dear Timber Creek, CDD Residents,

We would like to inform you of a vacant seat (seat 5, expiring 2028) on the Timber Creek Community Development District (CDD) Board of Supervisors. Residents interested in being considered for this position are invited to submit a cover letter and resume to our District Manager, Lisa Castoria, at Board Supervisors are eligible for $200.00 meeting compensation.

The appointment to fill this vacancy will be considered during the next Timber Creek CDD’s regular meeting (please refer to the district website for meeting date/time) at the Timber Creek Amenity Center. Please note, that anyone who would like to be considered for the appointment, must attend the next regular meeting.

We encourage residents who are passionate about our community and interested in serving on the Board to apply.

Sincerely, Timber Creek Community Development District

Timber Creek Community Development District Disclosure

Please be advised that the Timer Creek Community Development District (the “District”), a local unit of special purpose government created under Florida law, has constructed and is responsible for the maintenance of certain improvements, infrastructure and facilities within the District.  The District financed this construction through the sale of tax-exempt bonds, a form of public financing.  As a result, and in accordance with applicable federal and state law, all District owned improvements, infrastructure and facilities are and shall remain open and accessible to the general public.  Should you have any questions on this matter, non-resident user fees applicable to District recreational facilities, or any other general District issue, please feel free to Contact the District Manager.


Amenity Access Cards 

Please email our district amenities coordinator to obtain an amenity access card at . Replacement cards can be purchased by in person at the Timber Creek Clubhouse for $25/per card payable by check or money order to Timber Creek CDD.